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OpenLoco version 24.05.1

OpenLoco v24.05.1 is out! This is a quick hotfix for issues that surfaced while processing malformed objects. These issues surfaced only now because we rewor...

OpenLoco version 24.05

OpenLoco v24.05 is out! We’ve made so much progress this month, so we’re very excited to share this new release with you all. Let’s dig into the details in t...

OpenLoco version 24.04

OpenLoco v24.04 is out! We’re releasing this one a little earlier than you might have expected; a little over a week after v24.03. However, besides quite a b...

OpenLoco version 24.03

OpenLoco v24.03 is out! It’s been a busy month with quite a lot of work happening in two key areas: landscape/map generation and game commands. Let’s take a ...

OpenLoco version 24.02.1

OpenLoco v24.02.1 is out! In 24.02, there was an issue with newly placed train stations, where it would set the height clearance of the station and the track...